Arts Infrastructure Grants
4 grants are presented to individual professional artists/arts professionals, ad hoc groups, collectives, organizations and businesses dedicated to developing creative projects in the arts in the following areas:
- Community Arts
- Performing Arts – Music
- Performing Arts – Theatre
- Visual Arts
Value: $3,000 each
*PROJECTS must be scheduled to begin AFTER The WEAs Awards & Grants Celebration in May. WEA does not fund projects retroactively.
Arts Infrastructure Categories
Windsor Endowment for the Arts awards one Arts Infrastructure Grant for each of the four following categories:
1. Community Arts Infrastructure Grant
This grant may be used to fund community art projects that meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Increase community participation in the arts
- Broaden local access to the arts
- Advance public education in arts & culture
- Promote opportunities for cultural tourism
- Promote social awareness; and/or
- Help connect the broader community.
Specific examples of community arts infrastructure projects might include workshops, seminars, events and festivals that bring together artists from various arts sectors and/or members of the public.
Funds provided: $3,000
2. Performing Arts Music Infrastructure Grant
This grant may be used to fund performing arts projects that promote local music in Windsor and Essex County.
Specific examples of performing arts infrastructure musical projects might include the organization of concerts, recitals, festivals, songwriting workshops, or the restoration or development of a music arts venue.
Funds provided: $3,000
3. Performing Arts Theatre Infrastructure Grant
This grant may be used to fund performing arts projects that promote local theatre, dance, storytelling, stand-up comedy, and spoken-word poetry in Windsor and Essex County.
Specific examples of performing arts infrastructure theatrical projects might include the organization of playwriting workshops, a slam poetry competition, a comedy festival, a storytelling event, or the restoration or development of a performing arts venue.
Funds provided: $3,000
4. The Carolyne Rourke Visual Arts Infrastructure Grant
This grant may be used to fund visual arts projects that promote local fine art, fine craft, design art, and media art (including cinema), or any combination thereof in Windsor and Essex County.
Specific examples of visual arts infrastructure projects might include the development of public gallery spaces, the screening of local independent films, a fashion show, or a fibre arts workshop.
Funds provided: $3,000
In 2020, the Visual Arts Infrastructure Grant was renamed The Carolye Rourke Visual Arts Infrastructure Grant in honour of President Emerita Carolyne Rourke, who retired from her role as WEA president in November 2019 after 20 years of volunteer service. Carolyne has played an integral role in creating several visual arts infrastructure projects in the city, including the Odette Sculpture Garden at the riverfront and the international public art exhibit CarTunes on Parade exhibited in Windsor & Detroit in the summer of 2005.
Grant Funding
Arts Infrastructure Grants are awarded to individual professional artists/arts professionals, ad hoc groups, collectives, organizations and businesses dedicated to building and/or maintaining arts infrastructure in Windsor and Essex County. Contributors of arts infrastructure add to the longevity of the arts community in Windsor and Essex County.
The funding provided by these grants may be used to:
- Develop a new arts infrastructure project
- Support audience development for local arts
- Promote new forms of art
- Promote art in non-traditional venues; and/or
- Encourage innovation and creative expression among the general public.
Applicants who meet the eligibility requirements are encouraged to apply.
Eligibility Requirements
Individuals must:
- Be a Member of Windsor Endowment for the Arts (WEA).
- Be a professional artist/arts professional.
*WEA uses the Ontario Arts Council‘s definition of a professional artist/arts professional: “someone who has developed skills through training or practice, is recognized by artists working in the same artistic tradition, has a history of public presentation or publication, seeks payment for their work and actively practices their art. Short breaks in artistic work history are acceptable.”
- Be 18 years of age or older.
- Be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada.
- Be a resident of Windsor or one of the municipalities in Essex County.
Ad Hoc Groups or Collectives must:
- Have their contact person on the application be a member of Windsor Endowment for the Arts (WEA).
- Have at least 50 percent of their members residing in Windsor or Essex County.
- Be comprised of at least two members who meet eligibility requirements for individuals (listed above) and who will be responsible for the administration of the grant on behalf of the ad hoc group/collective.
- Not be a corporation.
- Be able to deposit a grant cheque in the name of the ad hoc group/collective.
- Note: ad hoc groups/collectives may be formed for a one-time project (ad hoc group) or have ongoing activity (collective).
*WEA uses the same eligibility requirements for ad hoc groups/collectives as outlined by the Ontario Arts Council.
Organizations must:
- Have their contact person on the application be a member of Windsor Endowment for the Arts (WEA).
- Be located in Windsor or Essex County.
- Be incorporated in Ontario or federally as a not-for-profit corporation; or
- Be a charitable organization or foundation registered as a charity by the Canada Revenue Agency.
- Be governed by a volunteer board of directors or an advisory board.
Businesses must:
- Be a Corporate Member of Windsor Endowment for the Arts (WEA).
- Be located in Windsor or Essex County.
*PROJECTS must be scheduled to begin AFTER The WEAs Awards & Grants Celebration in May. WEA does not fund projects retroactively.
If you are unsure about your eligibility for a WEA grant, please email Emails will be answered within 24 hours from Monday – Friday.
Not a Member of WEA? No problem! You can purchase a $25 Individual Membership or a $40 Corporate Membership by visiting our Join & Support page.
* If you are applying as an Ad Hoc Group or Collective the “Contact Person” on your grant application must be a WEA Member.
* If you are applying as an Organization or Business, you have two Membership options:
1) Purchase a Corporate Membership on behalf of your organization or business
2) the Executive Director/ Business Owner may purchase an Individual Membership if they are the “Contact Person” listed on the grant application
- WEA Memberships are valid for 1 year from the day of purchase
- All membership fees are eligible for a charitable tax receipt
- Members will be added to our mailing list to stay informed about our events like The WEAs Awards & Grants Celebration
- Members will be invited to attend our Annual General Meeting (AGM) in mid-November where they have the right to vote.
If you have purchased a WEA Membership in the past but are unsure if it is still valid, contact
Join us to SUPPORT, PROMOTE, and CELEBRATE artists and arts organizations in Windsor-Essex
Application Process
The next round of WEA’s Awards & Grants will be distributed in 2026.
Grants Selection Process
All grants are awarded by a jury made up of community members recognized for the knowledge, skill, and expertise they bring to their artistic fields. The Board of Directors of WEA is responsible for their selection. The identity of the jurors will be made public at the Awards and Grants Ceremony.
The decisions of this jury are final.
Program Timeline
February 1 – the online application portal opens
March 31 – at midnight, the online application portal closes
Mid-April – the jury panel adjudicates the grant applications
May 1 – successful grant applicants will be contacted by phone and/or email
Mid-May – 4 Arts Leadership Awards and 11 arts grants will be distributed at The WEAs Awards & Grants Celebration.
Mid-November – Arts Infrastructure Grant recipients will be invited to share the progress of their projects to WEA members at our Annual General Meeting.
Personal information submitted by the applicants and discussions pertaining to the applicants’ submissions are held in strict confidentiality.